Long overdue. In fact, almost exactly two months overdue. Senior Ball was that long ago? And I've been sitting here at home being unproductive, wasting my summer away? Apparently...
This year, I decided to go "elegantly simple" after a wild glitter gradient last year (that took forever to remove!) and left all the sparkle to my dress. Another highly belated thank you to my date for a great night at the California Academy of Sciences! (Not gonna lie, though, the massive pool of stingrays may have captivated me more... ;) Unfortunately, there weren't any whales.)
If I've learned one thing this year, it's to never be afraid to tear it up on the dancefloor. Get crunk. In a multiple-hundred-dollar floor-length dress and four-inch heels. I've made the mistake of being "too cool to dance" before, and I'm never going to make it again. Even if it means your feet are in absolute AGONY and slow-dancing means nearly collapsing on your date, jump all over the place and get your arms involved. You're not living if you just stand outside the glass-enclosed dancefloor and sit with a bunch of people you don't really know until the final slow dance.
Anyways... the mani!

Confession: This isn't the actual mani I wore to prom. This is the matte-ified version of it, worn for the week after it. I never got a "quality" photo of the glossy original version, so this'll have to do for the post picture.
...And here's the original, in all of its over-exposed glory on the fabric of my dress in the car five minutes before the pre-prom photoshoots! This was a simple Scotch tape mani inspired by a photo I saw online – not much explanation necessary here. It was insanely difficult to get the triangles even remotely close to equal in width, but you don't really notice the inequality if you don't scrutinize ;)
Colors used:
- Julep Bess – light sky blue crème
- Julep Hope – white satin-finish crème
- Zoya Severine – champagne/pewter semi-frost, semi-metallic
And as supplementary material, a photo of my lack of height and my date in front of the massive Pacific aquarium exhibit! (Hope he doesn't mind...) We do have actual photoshoot pictures that aren't grainy and dark, but I figured it was about time to pay homage to my blog title. No whales, but at least aquatic life... yeah?
(And yes, those are crystals all up on the bodice of the dress. All over the front. And parts of the back. Hence the reserved nails!)
Ah, good memories from the end of senior year as I write this post in the middle of summer. Appropriately jamming to The Middle by Jimmy Eat World and Go Away by Weezer – good vibes all around. :') (Might add "Currently listening to..." as a feature.)
Thanks for reading!
About the Author
Lover of everything manicure, oceanography, and neuroscience related. Bay Area, California.